Taking Action on a Quarantined Message

In Junk Mail Manager, you have four primary ways of taking action on a quarantined message, as detailed in the table below.

You can... What happens

Delete it.


If you deem that a message is indeed spam and should not be delivered (sent to your regular e-mail account), you can delete it. Deleting a junkmail message moves it to the Trash, where it will remain until you explicitly empty the Trash folder.

Deliver it.


The junkmail message is released from quarantine and sent to your regular e-mail account (usually your Inbox).

Approve it.


The message is sent to your regular e-mail account and the sender is automatically added to your Allowed Senders list. Messages from allowed senders do not undergo any anti-spam scanning or junkmail filtering, and they are always sent to your regular e-mail account.
Do nothing. Quarantined messages listed on the My Junk Mail page will automatically expire after a period of time designated by your system administrator.

Deleting a message

  1. Click My Junk Mail from the links on the left.
  2. Click the checkbox next to each message you want to delete.
    Open a message by clicking its title in the Subject column.
  3. Click Delete.
    The messages are moved to the Trash folder, where you can retrieve them before logging out if you want. To retrieve deleted messages, click Trash, select the message(s) you want to keep, and click Undelete.
  4. Click [Empty] next to the Trash link.
    The messages in the Trash folder are permanently deleted.

Delivering a message

  1. Click My Junk Mail from the links on the left.
  2. Click the checkbox next to each message you want to deliver (that is, release from quarantine and deliver to your regular e-mail account.
    Open a message by clicking its title in the Subject column.
  3. Click Deliver.
    The messages are sent to your regular e-mail account and are released from quarantine in the Junk Mail Manager.

Approving a message

  1. Click My Junk Mail from the links on the left.
  2. Click the checkbox next to each message you want to approve.
    Open a message by clicking its title in the Subject column.
  3. Click Approve.
    Note: If you approve a message from a sender who has multiple messages in quarantine, a dialog box will appear. In the dialog box, click OK to approve all messages from that sender. If you click Cancel, none of the messages from that sender are approved.
    Approved messages are sent to your regular e-mail account and the email address of the sender is automatically added to your Allowed Senders list.

Note: Once you choose to delete, deliver, or approve a message while you are viewing it, the next message on your My Junk Mail list will display.